2019 Scholarship Recipients

Panther Pride Scholarship (2-$500)

  1. Breanna Bowen
  2. Madison Reuschel

Panther Pride Scholarship (2-$500)

  1. Lauren Gille
  2. Kendra Obert

Lions Club Scholarships (2-$600)

  1. Lauren Gille
  2. Jalan Vance

Eva Balk Memorial Scholarships (2-$500)

  1. Eric Jones
  2. Ethan Merritt

Reuschel Family Education Scholarship ($500)

  • Audrey Shanholster

Thomas Edwin Nielsen M.D. – Kathryn Sue Bohn M.D. Math Science Scholarship

  • Ethan Merritt

Joseph E Nielsen - Katherine M Sullivan Business, Math or Science Scholarship ($500)

  • Kendra Obert

Leslie & Mary Phillips Memorial Scholarship ($500)

  • Jesse Grawe

Farmers State Bank of Camp Point Scholarship ($1,000)

  • Elyse Travis

Heubner #21 Scholarships (2-$1,021)

  • Cole Williams
  • Leah Turner

Cory Wilkey Scholarship ($500)

  • Jonathan Lee

Janssen Seed and Services Scholarships (2- $750)

  1. Hayden Neisen
  2. Dustin Steinkamp

Warren Lee Memorial Scholarship ($500)

  • Elyse Travis

Garrett Sprenger memorial Scholarship ($500)

  • Hayden Neisen


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The Mission of Panther Pride Foundation for Central Schools is to solicit and administer gifts and bequests in order to enhance educational opportunities for students of Community Unit School District No. 3.

PRIDE in our Schools.

PRIDE in our Students.

PRIDE in our Communities.
