Commonly asked questions regarding Panther Pride Foundation.
What is the relationship of PPF to Unit #3 District?
PPF is an independent organization with its own Board of Directors. It operates separate from the school board, but it works closely with the school district to benefit our children through projects, such as scholarships, teacher grants, and other requests.
Why do I need to help?
The school district provides students with a quality education, but each year it becomes more difficult to maintain the level of excellence we expect. PPF is there to lend a hand or provide a financial boost that will take students to the next level.
How will PPF funds be spent in contrast to current District monies?
PPF funds will be used to complement, enhance, and enrich educational experiences and opportunities in the district beyond traditional funding.
How are projects identified?
The Foundation invites project proposals from teachers, students, parents, and community members. Any project consistent with the Foundation's mission will be considered. PPF has decided not to spend any funds on brick and mortar.
How is the Foundation governed?
A board of nine volunteers, all Central alumni, governs the foundation. The Board administers the solicitation, management, and disbursement of all funds. The Foundation Board operates under the by-laws governing its membership, accounting, duties, operations, and purpose.
How can I support PPF?
Although contributions will always be welcome and appreciated, PPF has conducted just ONE fundraising campaign to enhance the endowment fund, thereby eliminating the need for annual fundraising.
Is my PPF donation tax-exempt?
YES. All contributions to the Foundation are tax deductible under section 501(c)(3) of the federal tax code.
What are some examples of what the Foundation has done for Central schools?
PPF supports projects that promote student learning and development. PPF has awarded scholarships to graduating seniors. PPF also encourages teaching excellence by enabling educators to receive funds for special projects not covered by the school budget.
Donate Today
The Mission of Panther Pride Foundation for Central Schools is to solicit and administer gifts and bequests in order to enhance educational opportunities for students of Community Unit School District No. 3.
PRIDE in our Schools.
PRIDE in our Students.
PRIDE in our Communities.