Below is the list of the projects that have been funded by the Panther Pride Foundation in addition to teacher grants and scholarships.
Year - Project
1997 - First Learning Enhancement grant distributed
2000 - Accelerated Math program for CMS through grant
2002 - Books for CJHS Library
2004 - "Adopt a Seat" Drive for CHS Auditorium
2006 - CHS Weight Room donation
2007 - Became ACASI (Adams County Academic Success Initiative fiscal agent
2008 - CHS Track donation
2011 - Leadership Initiative at CES
2012 - CHS Softball Field donation
2013 - CHS Baseball Field donation & PPF Sole Funder for Learning Enhancement Grant program
2014 - CHS Wrestling Task Force donation & PPF Sole Funder for Learning Enhancement Grant program
2015 - Hosted 60th Diamond Trivia Night & PPF Sole Funder for Learning Enhancement Grant program
2016 - Began JWCC Dual Credit Scholarships & PPF Sole Funder for Learning Enhancement Grant program
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The Mission of Panther Pride Foundation for Central Schools is to solicit and administer gifts and bequests in order to enhance educational opportunities for students of Community Unit School District No. 3.
PRIDE in our Schools.
PRIDE in our Students.
PRIDE in our Communities.